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3504 C HiTester (120 Hz and 1kHz)
    · 고객선호도 :
    · 제조사 : Hioki
    · 판매가격 : 전화문의


The C HiTESTER 3504 is a capacitance measurement instrument that can measure capacitance with constant voltage, making it ideal for testing large-capacitance multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs). The high-speed (2ms) measurement performance of the standard comparator and BIN functions are particularly well-suited for high-speed MLCC measurement. Featuring a compact body with easy-to-read LED display, the 3504 allows the user to check settings at a glance, and provides easy operation. In addition, the device comes equipped with an RS-232C interface, GP-IB interface, and external I/O as standard features, making it easy to build automated production lines.


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