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AG-203D Oscillator Audio Signal Generator
    · 고객선호도 :
    · 판매가격 : 전화문의

The AG-203D and AG-204D are low-frequency signal generators featuring sine wave output with low distortion and square wave output with good rise time characteristics. They cover the frequency range of 10 Hz to 1 MHz with no breaks, and a designed for versatility, with such features as external synchronization, a 10 dB-per-step attenuator for accurate output voltage setting, and a large dial for frequency setting. All this performance is packed into a slim, compact, easy-to-operate signal generator housing.
Wide Frequency Range
 The oscillation frequency range extends from 10 Hz to 1 MHz, covered in five continuous steps. A large, single-scale dial is used to simplify the measurement value reading (oscillation frequency setting).
Low-Distortion, Flat Voltage Output
 With low distortion of below 0.1% with the AG-203D and below 0.02% with the A-204D and output voltage deviation within .0.5dB over the entire frequency range, these generators will find use in a broad range of applications, particularly in distortion measurements, S/N measurements and frequency response measurements.
10 dB-Per-Step Attenuator
 The output voltage can be set from 0 to 50 dB in 10 dB steps using a built-in attenuator, this combining with a fine adjustment to enable the output of any desired voltage level in that range.
Synchronizing to External Signals
 By synchronizing the output to an external signal through the external sync input, it is possible to output more accurate frequencies from these generators.
Rectangular Wave Output with Good Rise Time Characteristic
 In addition to low-distortion sine waves, square waves with excellent rise time characteristics can be output, this is very convenient for use in the adjustment and servicing of audio equipment, and for educational experimentation in school laboratories etc.


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